I love to encourage people. It’s part of who I am and what I love to do. I actively seek out opportunities every day to be an encouragement and bring a smile to someone’s face. I do it for both myself and others. Allow me to elaborate.

There are two ways to approach life. You can choose to be negative and constantly criticize the things you see around you, or you can choose to see the good in people. You can choose to recognize their potential and uplift them instead of tearing them down. I personally choose the latter.

The world we live in is filled with seriousness. Horrendous and horrific things happen every day. If we listen to the news or the pessimistic voices, it may seem like everything is getting worse and will continue to do so. However, I wholeheartedly reject this notion.

As a Christian, I believe it is my responsibility to share God’s love and the hope that I have found. Because of Jesus, we have hope and a future. It is challenging to be loving and hopeful while predicting doom at the same time.

Jesus said that he came so that we may have abundant life. Did you catch that? He came to give us life. It is our enemy who seeks to steal life away. Therefore, I strive to be more like Jesus. I want my words to bring life to people and uplift them.

Is there someone that you can encourage today? Even a small word can do more than we know.

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