I have been out of town a lot over the last couple of weeks. Weekend before last I had a conference to attend and Marixa and Trey came and stayed at the hotel with me. They didn’t see me very much over Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but I was glad that they were there. Traveling is always better when they are with me. Last Thursday I had conference in Houston to go to. Went there and back the same day. It was a long day of travel. All of that said…there is nothing quite like coming home.

You know the feeling I am talking about, right? You get home after a long trip, or a long day, and you feel the stress and the day fade out. You can finally relax. You sink into your recliner, or into your own bed and the world is right if just for a few hours. I hope you have that feeling when you go home. I am thankful I have that atmosphere in mine.

I have been like this as long as I can remember. One time, many years ago, I spent a Christmas vacation with a friend of mine from high school. We lived in a small town in southeast Oklahoma and drove (with his family) to a little town in Arizona. It was a fun trip. I remember having a great time. I also remember being very homesick. It was Christmas time and I was not home with my parents. I enjoyed the trip. I also enjoyed getting back home to my family and my space. (It was also awesome because my parents remodeled my room while I was gone. Still one of my favorite teenage memories coming home to my own new cool room. Thanks again mom and dad!) That room was my home base.

A few years later (1998) I spent a summer singing at a youth camp. We were gone around the 25th of May through the 1st of August. I thought I knew what homesick was, but I learned a new definition that summer. I had a couple of small breaks and as good luck would have it I started dating a beautiful lady over my first break. I quickly discovered that my insides could be twisted in ways that I had never known. I had a new definition of home by that summer’s end. It was wherever she was. Still is.

Fast forward 13 years. Coming home is more awesome still. I get home after work and there is this amazing little guy ready to spend time with me. He wants to show me what he has done. He wants me to play games. He gives me hugs and calls me Daddy. I have discovered  that my insides can be twisted differently still. I never knew drawing letters in chalk on the back porch would bring me joy, but it does. I love it. I love him with all of my heart. There is no place like home.

I have discovered that my life works in a rhythm. I have to have times of hard work where I can put my skills to the test. I have to have times of adventure and exploration. I have to make a contribution. To balance these times, I have to have time at home and time with the family that I love. Times of rest. Time to regain focus. I am sure you need something like this too.

What is coming home like for you?

2 thoughts on “There is nothing like coming home.

  1. I haven’t had to do too much coming home since my son was born. Sadly, most of the coming home has involved returning from my hometown, where we’ve visited around my mom’s dying and death. The homecomings have been a little sad as a result, and totally unlike the ones preceding; I’ve always relished the peace and freedom of stepping in my front door and knowing I had nothing and nowhere else to be.

    I think I’ll be finding my way back to that soon. I’m actually visiting a girlfriend in Colorado next week, so it’ll be my first step toward relearning what “homecoming” means to me. 🙂


    1. As always, I appreciate your comments. I too relish the feeling of just being home. It is a freedom like little other.

      I know that the feeling of coming home will take many shapes over the years, much like your return to your hometown. I know not all will be pleasant. It makes me cherish it all the more while it remains as it is.

      Safe travels for you as you head to Colorado!


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